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Story Maker Retailers

In making Story Maker, I put a huge emphasis on sourcing local suppliers. Local fibre, local processing, and the book is printed locally as well. Shopping locally is so important.

If you'd like to buy the book in your neck of the woods, let your local yarn store or book store know. It is distributed in Canada and the US by Julie Asselin.

These lovely stores have copies of Story Maker available:


Name Address
String Theory Yarn Shop 152 St. Andrew Street West, Fergus, Ontario
Little Red Mitten 86 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, Ontario
Magic Pebble Books 153 Geddes Street, Elora, Ontario
Fabrications Ottawa 1677A Carling Ave, Ottawa, Ontario
Fleece & Harmony 3130 Garfield Rd, Belfast, Prince Edward Island
Yarn Over Fibre Crafting Co. 3434B Regina Ave, Regina, Saskatchewan



Name Address
Merritt Bookstore  57 Front Street, Millbrook, NY