We had SO MANY wonderful mittens and other yarny things brought to Yarn Club in January. Just look at our mitten table:
Alison brought in the following:
Hand Gusset Mittens by Carol Buchholz

Ribbed Fingerless Mitts by Deb Gemmel
Seine by Kyoko Nakayoshi (Alison's project notes here)
Kris brought in the following:
Blue Stores Mittens by Sarah F. Price
Mitt Envy by weezalana
Project Peace by Christina Campbell (Kris's project notes here)
Jo brought in the following:
Fiddlehead Mittens by Adrian Bizilia
Lobster Claw Mitts by Morehouse Designs
Roxann brought in her Snow Drops Shawl:
Snow Drops Shawl by Anastacia Zittel in Tierra Wools Fine Woo
Victoria brought in the following:
Lobster Claw Bicycling Mittens by Jana Falls
Northman Mittens by David Schulz[/caption]
Curling Fingerless Mitts by Ann Hanson
Cupcake Mittens by SpillyJane
There were even more projects shown and stories shared - if I've missed anyone please let me know so I can update. Thanks again for our most prolific show & share ever!