Updated Feb 19, 2021:
12 - 24 month size - There are a couple of omissions in the written instructions for rows 84 & 89 (the charted instructions are correct):
84 should read: K7, [P1, K1] twice, *[P1, K1] twice, K9, [P1, K1]twice, rep from * to last 6 sts, P1, K1, P1, K3.
89 should read: K3, K2tog, YO, [K1, P1] 3 times, *[K1, P1] twice, K1, YO, SKP, K2, K2tog, YO, [K1, P1] 3 times, rep from * to last 6 sts, [K1, P1] twice, K1, YO, SKP (with first stitch of next round, moving marker over 1 st to the left).
6 - 12 month size -
In the Bodice Front, Row 23 should read: SK2P, YO, [P1, K1] 3 times, P1, YO, *SK2P, YO, [P1, K1] 3 times, P1, YO, rep from * once more, SKP, K2tog, turn.
The updated chart looks like this:
The increase in the waistband is in the wrong place. Corrected waistband instructions are as follows:
Rnd 33: Purl.
34: Knit.
35 & 36: [K2, P2] rep to end.
37: KFB, knit to end (57 sts)
38: Purl.
The updated chart looks like this:
There were some errors in the Skirt Petal Increases section for the 6 - 12 month size that were brought to my attention this evening. An updated file will be on Ravelry shortly, but the corrections are as follows:
41: [K3, YO, K5, YO] rep to last 4 sts, K4, YO. (95 sts)
45: K4, YO, [K7, YO, K5, YO] rep to last 2 sts, K2. (133 sts)
49: K5, YO, [K9, YO, K7, YO] rep to last 3 sts, K3. (171 sts)
53: K6, YO, [K11, YO, K9, YO] rep to last 4 sts, K4. (209 sts)
57: K7, YO, [K13, YO, K11, YO] rep to last 5 sts, K5. (247 sts)
Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions about this pattern!