As my meeting reminder emailed said, who doesn't love an alpaca? Wendy Cross from Lady Slipper Alpacas was our guest at our last meeting before breaking for the summer. Wendy shared pictures of her lovely alpaca herd and told us all about these critters.
Wendy got into raising alpacas kind of by accident, she told us how she and her husband wanted some animals for their farm and thought alpacas looked cute. It seems bringing home a cute and cuddly animal is a great way to kick start a new business venture! Fast forward a bit and Wendy now has a number of alpacas and produces fleece and fibre to sell at shows. Wendy shared some insider details about alpacas and their adorable noises (seriously, YouTube it), and told us they make great watch dogs.
Check out Wendy's website for more information about her products, and you can find her at local shows and festivals if you're looking to purchase anything from her. You can find her next at the Black Sheep Festival in Elora on July 7.
This was also my last meeting acting as the facilitator for Yarn Club, and I wanted to thank everyone for their support and encouragement over the last year. Thank you for your feedback, your attendance and participation at meetings, and your support of the fibre community. I'll continue to be a member at Yarn Club and you can find me at meetings or on Ravelry. Alexis is back leading the charge when Yarn Club returns in September. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details about next year's program.